Dr. Khwaja has over 15 years of professional and academic experience in global affairs.
Research specializations: foreign policy, international development, aid-effectiveness, human rights, human security, failed/fragile states, post-conflict reconstruction, social capital, and gender studies.
Regional interests/specializations include the Middle East and South Asia, with a greater focus on Afghanistan and Pakistan for the last 15 years.
Various language proficiencies in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, and Spanish.
Other skills: analytical writing; policy analysis; qualitative analysis; fieldwork and field interviews, qualitative coding, quantitative/statistical analysis; social network analysis; geographic information systems; project management; business and proposal development; grant writing; web development; and various data/statistical software: (NVivo, Gephi, UCINet, GIS, STATA)
You may find more information on Dr. Khwaja’s professional and academic experiences in her Linkedin Profile.
Honors, Certificates, and Awards
Institute of Qualitative and Multi-Method Research (IQMR). Certificate Completion on Qualitative Methods Training. The Maxwell School, Syracuse University. June 16-June 29, 2019.
External Awards
World Politics and Statecraft Fellowship. Smith Richardson Foundation. Dissertation Fieldwork in Pakistan. Term: 2018 – 2019. Awarded: $7,500.
Fred C. Bruhn’s Scholarship, Nationality Rooms Cultural Diversity Programs, University of Pittsburgh, Masters Fieldwork, Capstone Research on Gender Disparities and Violence Against Women in Pakistan; Karachi, Pakistan, Summer 2008. Awarded: $2,500.
Internal Awards
Schar School Daniel Druckman Fellowship on International Conflict Resolution. Fall 2020 Term: $4000.
Schar School Research Grant for Dissertation Field Interview Transcriptions. May – August, 2019: $1100.
National Science Foundation Travel Fellowship for APSA Political Networks Conference. Durham, North Carolina. May 2019: $900.
George Mason University Provost Fellowship. Summer 2018: $7000.
Schar School PhD Graduate Fellowship. 2018 – 2019: $4000.
Schar School Research Travel Grant for Preliminary Dissertation Fieldwork in Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, Lahore, Pakistan. Dec 2017 – Feb 2018: $1000.
Asian Development Bank Travel Grant for IPPA International Conference.National University of Singapore. ADB, Governance Thematic Group, June 2017: $2400.
National Science Foundation Travel Fellowship for APSA Political Networks Conference and Workshops. Poster Presentation and Workshop Participation. Columbus, Ohio. June 2017: $900.
Schar School Research Grant for APPAM International Conference. Panel Presentation. London School of Economics, London, UK. June 2016: $900.
Schar School Research Grant for APPAM Fall Research Conference. Poster Presentation. Miami, FL. Nov 2015: $750.