“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar Dear Colleagues, It is the year’s final stretch, and I thought to share a few updates with you. Throughout the year I have been nurturing my writing, scholarly, and professional efforts in other platforms and I would like to share a few of those updates. In February this year, I launched my new Academic Newsletter, “The Qualitative Inquisition.” https://qualinquisition.substack.com/ This began as a monthly newsletter. I was able to complete my final edition of 2024 today. I have 7 Editions thus far and plan to increase the distribution frequency in the new…
Conducting Qualitative Research in Pakistan: Lessons from the Field
Last month, I shared this article on Medium: Conducting Qualitative Research in Pakistan (as an American-Born Pakistani): 25 Lessons and Observations from the Field This is a piece I began writing in Islamabad, the first week of my second field assessment for my doctoral studies in Pakistan, (in October 2018.) I had been sitting with it for the past 3-4 years. I knew at that time that this would have been the kind of piece that I would have loved to read prior to my fieldwork, so I wrote it. I discuss various elements of the nuts and bolts of the Fieldwork and some key lessons and challenges that emerged…
“Black Day” in Pakistan to Honor Kashmiris
Before the weekend, I noticed people putting up signs and banners all across the federal government area and throughout Islamabad as well as outside the city limits into Rawalpindi as well. I am assuming these signs are all over Pakistan during this time too, given that it is something observed throughout Pakistan. https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/385427-pakistan-to-observe-black-day-on-saturday-to-express-solidarity-with-kashmiris https://nation.com.pk/28-Oct-2018/black-day-observed-against-indian-atrocities-in-kashmir https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/386465-black-day-observed-against-occupation-of-kashmir-by-india They have made October 27th, “Black Day,” in Pakistan. Black Day is a day in which they commemorate the Kashmir Crisis, which is often a forgotten crisis. I believe it is a day to support the Kashmiris fighting for independence in IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir), and also to acknowledge their struggle and loss of…