Last month, I shared this article on Medium: Conducting Qualitative Research in Pakistan (as an American-Born Pakistani): 25 Lessons and Observations from the Field This is a piece I began writing in Islamabad, the first week of my second field assessment for my doctoral studies in Pakistan, (in October 2018.) I had been sitting with it for the past 3-4 years. I knew at that time that this would have been the kind of piece that I would have loved to read prior to my fieldwork, so I wrote it. I discuss various elements of the nuts and bolts of the Fieldwork and some key lessons and challenges that emerged…
“Black Day” in Pakistan to Honor Kashmiris
Before the weekend, I noticed people putting up signs and banners all across the federal government area and throughout Islamabad as well as outside the city limits into Rawalpindi as well. I am assuming these signs are all over Pakistan during this time too, given that it is something observed throughout Pakistan. They have made October 27th, “Black Day,” in Pakistan. Black Day is a day in which they commemorate the Kashmir Crisis, which is often a forgotten crisis. I believe it is a day to support the Kashmiris fighting for independence in IOK (Indian Occupied Kashmir), and also to acknowledge their struggle and loss of…