• Year-End Update: “The Qualitative Inquisition” Academic Newsletter Launch Recap

    “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar Dear Colleagues, It is the year’s final stretch, and I thought to share a few updates with you. Throughout the year I have been nurturing my writing, scholarly, and professional efforts in other platforms and I would like to share a few of those updates. In February this year, I launched my new Academic Newsletter, “The Qualitative Inquisition.” https://qualinquisition.substack.com/  This began as a monthly newsletter. I was able to complete my final edition of 2024 today. I have 7 Editions thus far and plan to increase the distribution frequency in the new…

  • Blending Art, Education & Aid: Climate Philanthropy & Relief Efforts in Pakistan

    “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela   {Featured Photo: A wall at the campus of the University of Karachi, in Karachi, Pakistan. Photo was taken during my doctoral fieldwork on January 11, 2018.} At the beginning of the year and mid-year, we embrace the opportunity to reflect on what progress has been made at a personal and collective level, and what we hope to accomplish in the new year. I began something special at the beginning of this new year, an initiative that I hope to continue on an ad-hoc basis, or as long as I have the capacity.…

  • Dissertation Acknowledgements and Publication

    Dear all, Previously I shared that I defended my PhD this Summer and graduated on August 21, 2021. A few months ago I received my digital diploma, shown in the featured photo. And I will be participating in the graduation ceremony this week! In October, my Dissertation, “The Network Architecture of Rural Development Interventions: Exploring the Relational Dynamics of Aid-impact in the Fragile and Conflict-Affected States of Pakistan and Afghanistan,” was published on ProQuest. You may find it on the ProQuest Database if you have access through your institution. An excerpt may be available via Google Scholar in a few months if not already. On this post, I would like to…

  • PhD Dissertation Defended!!!

    Dear friends and colleagues, I would like to share some good news. On July 23, after a long, arduous, but incredibly rewarding journey, I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation, “The Network Architecture of Rural Development Interventions: Exploring the Relational Dynamics of Aid-Impact in the Fragile and Conflict-Affected states of Pakistan and Afghanistan.” And this last Friday I made my final submission for graduation. I received the title of Doctor and finally achieved one of my greatest dreams to become a PhD Scholar. I remain truly humbled and honored. And I recognize this is only the beginning. This could not have been possible without the contributions and support from my Committee.…

  • Updates and a Note About Images in Blog Posts

    Hi there! I wanted to give a quick heads up regarding photos from my blog posts on this website, particularly those in the past 12 months or so. The majority are photos from my recent doctoral dissertation fieldwork completed in Pakistan. Unfortunately, due to some technical issues, for many of the posts, the images are missing. The photos depicted valuable moments mostly during the first half of my fieldwork, when I was able to make time to blog more often. I apologize for the inconvenience, and will take care of the errors soon! I also intend to complete some updates throughout the website in the next few months, as some…

  • Welcome to My Professional Webpage and Blog

    Hi there! Welcome to my website. Please take your time to get acquainted with me from the menu items above. This site is currently under maintenance so please return shortly for updates. Thank you for your patience! On the blog portion of my professional website, I plan to write about current events, reflections on important issues domestically and globally, and topics related to my research interests and specializations in public policy. These include foreign policy, international development, aid-effectiveness, fragile states, post-conflict reconstruction, gender disparities in development, human security, and other related topics. I also plan to incorporate the lens of social capital and social networks analysis, which are also my…